We’re not showing up empty handed.
Category: Economics
The Economics of Equity
Employment is high, inflation is falling … why are so many so unhappy?
Interest Rates Cut
Interest rates slashed in March!
Treasury Yields Break Five
Putting interest rates in perspective.
From Disinflation To Reflation
Goods and services disinflation gives way to reflation.
Inflation Update
Tracking the inflation pig through the economic python
The Flow Of Inflation
Following the money
Inflation Is Back
Markets celebrate softer inflation data with renewed surge
The Yield Curve Collapse Deepens
Short and long yields go their separate ways.
Some Bankrun Fraud
Deciphering cryptic hijinks
Enjoy The Halftime Show
Softer than expected CPI sends USD over a cliff.
The Inflation Cycle
The story of how inflation works
Are we there yet?
It’s All Relative
Everything is a cross rate.
Recession Reschmession
Meaninglessness in all its glory
In Search Of Consumer Spending
And other crackpot economic theories
Inflation Expectations
Wishful thinking on Wall Street
Whither The Economy?
Yesterday’s blowout jobs report in perspective
Why Can’t Economists Understand Inflation?
How did they miss it?
Crash and burn, baby!
Inflation And Rising Prices
Unraveling the confusion between inflation and rising prices.
I Don’t Like TIPS
The popular Treasury Inflation Protected Securities are vastly overrated.
Another Day, Another Stock Market Crash
Stocks only go down when they’re trading.
Bear Market Update 20220507
Crash! Synthetic Systems and the FDI take a deep dive into the wreckage.
Latest PPI Report 11.2%
Producer prices rise at record year over year.
Latest CPI Report 8.5%
Welcome to the 1970s.
Inversion, Recession, and Other April Fools
An inversion of the Treasury yield curve is a hot topic for Financial Media Lite.
A Day Of Inflation
If inflation can occur over a period of months, why not a day?
A Day Of Deflation
If deflation can occur over a period of months, why not a day?
The Big Takeaway
If you get nothing else out of Financology, get this.
Stocks & Commodities Whiplash
Markets violently reverse recent moves.
Commodities Explode
A Wild Trip To Nowhere
Russia, Ukraine and the markets.
Synthetic Systems MidQuarter Update
Synthetic Systems 2022.125
Fed Shock And Awe?
Speculation is rampant the Fed will announce an inter-meeting rate hike or hike 50bp at its next meeting.
CPI Jumps 7.5%
Less than meets the eye.
Amazing Amazon
A spectacular rally for a megacap stock.
Meta Face Plant
Just one piece of the big picture.
Free Trade Begins At Home
Is a tax made burdensome merely because it’s applied at an international border?